Ombre flower pot {A DIY gift}

Happy Friday, amen?! It looks like a lovely weekend up ahead - perfect timing for this last minute gift idea which you could take along to any barbecues or birthday parties on your weekend calendar!

A few weeks ago we had a friend's 4 year birthday party looming, and after a busy week, no gift to bring by the last day before the party. I gathered my brood and we went up the street to our local Safeway, (grocery store), where they have a surprisingly large and fresh floral department. Shire picked out the flowers, all three kids picked out a piece of candy, (a Friday tradition), and then we hopped across the street to the thrift store. There, I found the perfect sized pot for the flowers, (along with an epic piece of furniture which I'm waiting to share here until it's finished - catch photos of the progress on Instagram if you'd like)!

First, I painted the pot white to get one even color across the entire surface.

Like the pink trunk, I wanted to create a bit of texture to the finish, so I laid the paint on thick and in all different directions.

Then it was time for some ombre! If you aren't familiar with ombre, it's the art of shading, or graduating from one tone to another. I thought it would be cool to match the pot to the flowers, so I grabbed my Valspar sample of Plum Legacy, some white, a bowl to mix them, a couple spoons and a couple brushes. Shire helped both stir the paint and brush it on. It was really fun! We weren't aiming for perfection by any means, but I think we did a pretty decent job!

We had the pot flipped over so the bottom was facing up. We painted the darker, pure version of the purple on first, just around the edge. Then spooned in a dallop of white, mixed it up, and painted the lighter color right below the dark. We repeated this process, lightening the color with each next section of the pot.

Like I said, it's not perfect, (and I think I spot a couple finger smudges), but it's sweet nonetheless.

For a whimsical touch, Shire and I added this little flag using a wooden skewer broken in half, and some scrap paper. On it I wrote, "Friends are flowers in the garden of life".

Pool party ready!

Have yourselves a splendid weekend, friends! Thank you for stopping by.


This post was published under Chelsea's Garage, now affectionately known as StyleMutt.

Rustic DIY photo holder {hint, Father's Day is Sunday!}

Hi friends! I had another post ready for today but am cutting the line-up with this last minute DIY gift idea for Father's Day! So sorry it's this late; I didn't think of it until yesterday! This project is one you could certainly keep in your back pocket year round, (think Christmas gifts, hostess gift, birthday gift, just because)!

The idea blossomed as I was reorganizing the garage after last Saturday's garage sale, and I uncovered a handful of these tree stump disks that I used as votive candle pillars over Christmas. They're just so interesting; I knew there would be some way  to use them again. Given the small amount of space they take up, I thought they'd make perfect photo holders for a desk, bookshelf, or dresser!

-tree stump disks, (you could even turn over a small bowl or glass!)
-paper clips
-gold spray paint
-hot glue


-Spray paint the paper clips and let dry -Hot glue the bottom of the paper clips and stick onto whatever surface you're using as your base -Stick photo between the metal arms of the paper clip -DONE!

Given my late timing on this project and the fact that tree stump disks are a little hard to come by in June, (seriously, Chelsea, get with the program!), this would be a super project to pin and remember for the holiday season! These shaved tree stumps are free and found in plenty anywhere Christmas trees are being sold. Remind me to re-post in about 6 months, will you? :)

Have a wonderful weekend, all, and enjoy celebrating the loving, admirable men in your life. Happy Father's day!


This post was published under Chelsea's Garage, now affectionately known as StyleMutt.